Dogs can suffer from allergies to many different things, it can be food-related or environmental. One common cause of allergies in dogs is mold. Today, our Cumberland Animal Hospital vets will explain mold allergies in dogs and how to treat them.
About Mold Allergies In Dogs
Mold is present everywhere, both indoors and out, and easily multiples in damp humid areas around your home like bathrooms and basements.
Mold does grow outside all year round but dampness and humidity allow for more rapid growth. Inside, homeowners often work constantly to deter mold from spreading in areas such as the shower and window ledges.
Dogs that inhale mold spores typically suffer from itchy skin. One of the most common inhalant allergens for dogs is mold. Dogs who suffer from this type of condition often will have more than one inhalant allergy, meaning they are susceptible to the effects of other airborne allergens such as pollen and dust mites.
Symptoms of Mold Allergies in Pets
Although humans often see a manifestation of mold allergies in respiratory symptoms, in pets the main symptoms are usually skin related.
These symptoms may include:
- Itching
- Redness of the skin
- Dry/ scaly skin
- Hair loss
- Ear infections
- Head shaking
- Chewing/ licking skin
It is also possible for molds to cause respiratory symptoms and diseases, however, this is not as common in pets as skin-related symptoms.
Dogs Known for Skin Allergies
Some of the types of dogs that are thought to be predisposed to allergies are:
- Golden Retrievers
- Poodles
- Pugs
- Miniature Schnauzers
- Lhasa Apsos
- Shih Tzus
- Irish Setters
- German Shepherds
- Terriers (West Highland, Boston, Skye, and Scottish)
Treatment of Mold Allergies in Dogs
The treatment for mold allergy may involve many elements including
Frequent Bathing
Shampooing your pet often with a hypoallergenic product in cool to warm water (never hot as it may irritate the skin) could be required to soothe the itching.
Inflammation Therapy
Medications such as corticosteroids and antihistamines can help with inflammation. Topical creams to relieve redness, and Omega 3 supplements to boost the response of the body to the medication may be prescribed.
Allergen injections of a gradually increasing dosage are given as treatment, to desensitize your dog to the mold.